Our site suggests you consulting and publishing real estate announcements worldwide !
Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Moldavia, Russia, Spain, Swiss, Thailand, Turkey and more...
South of France, or French Alps, Swiss find your property with the advertisement of our real estate agencies partner.
Offer: Publication of 10 real estate announcements of ownership in sale in your agency on our real estate portal www.realtygoldworld.com Free for 3 months.
You can send the announcement with a photo by mail: contact@realtygoldworld.com The visitors of the site that want further information on your announcement will directly be you envoys without comittee for us. We are not real estate agency.
If you want to publish only an unique announcement for 6 months 10 £
If you want to publish in boundless way your announcements it exists an annual contract of 450 £ around 520 € that it allows you to publish how much announcements you want the whole year. Publication of an article of presentation of your agency as partner on the site.
Our job and to allow the clients to see on our site announces him real estate of agencies of the whole world and to come into contact with these agencies. We don't take errand on the sales. Clients and agencies bargain over between them. If a real estate agency desires to propose an ownership in sale in your agency we put you in contact and you bargain over together without us.
If your agency desires that we prepar a mail campaign for one ownership of yours near the agencies real estate of our network we can do it. example: a country mail near the 12 000 agencies of the countries of the east with which our partner works in Russia costs 375 $ a month and in more offers the publication of 50 announcements the whole year on his site and on ours.
For particular services you ask us thing we can organize.
If you have customers from outside the European union that want to purchase property in europe we propose some services of accompaniment to the client that you can resell with a comittee of 27% for you.
These services are :
Pack travel: To help the clients to travel, and to come from you to visit the property that see on the site.
Visa shengen, health care insurance, aerial ticket 1486 £ around 1700 €
Pack Hosting: hosting in the hotel, the client's transport durant the stay in car with driver, interpreter, real estate and fiscal advice from the notary. 7500 £ around 8650 € For 6 Days In the Hotel * * *
Pack assistance :
If you already have an extra european union owner of a property in France, we can facilitate management.
Paying for him the taxes to the French state, his/her invoices of water, light, gas, spent condominium, assisting for him to the annual condominium meeting. Sending to him at the end year a report.
Contract 1000 £ around 1200 € a year Invoices of the ownership in more.
On the services pack travel, hosting and assistance a comittee of 27% is poured.
Hoping that we can find a way of collaboration
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